The board of VNP Stiftung Naturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide – brief introduction
Chairman of VNP
Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Thomas, Beedenbostel, born 1963
Landscape architect and forestry graduate, owner of the planning office “Arbeitsgruppe Land & Wasser” and honorary professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Member of the board of Verein Naturschutzpark e.V. and VNP Foundation since 2000, VNP Vice-Chairman from 2003 to 2018.
At the Ordinary General Meeting of the Verein Naturschutzpark e.V. (VNP) held in Bispingen on 5th May 2018, Prof. Dr Kaiser was elected Chairman of the Verein Naturschutzpark e.V. and the VNP Foundation.
“I am actively involved in the board of the Stiftung Naaturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide because this continues 100 years of successful nature conservation.”
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaiser
Hoppenstedt, Dr. Björn, Großburgwedel, born 1974
Lawyer, former district councillor in the county of Harburg.
Doppke, Klaus, Bispingen, born 1942
Retired municipal director, since 2002 coordinator for EU funding projects at the VNP, honorary managing director at the Heimatkreis Soldin/Neumark, honorary managing director of the Heidekreis Music School, board member of the “Freundeskreis Haus Brandenburg” in Fürstenwalde, member of the VNP board since 2003.
Rothardt, Dr. Jochen, Soltau
Lawyer and notary public.
Loos, Detlev, Bispingen, born 1962
Graduate in administration, district councillor of the district of Gifhorn since 2010, member of the advisory board of Verein Naturschutzpark e.V. since 2008.
Foundation Council
- Werner Albers
- Winfried Bodenstein
- Michael Grosse-Brömer
- Klaus Grünhagen
- Hans-Heinrich Höper
- Harald Ottmar
- Klaus Rathert
- Hans Joachim Röhrs
- Helmut Schmidt
- Dr. Almut Willenbockel
- Mathias Zimmermann
- Uni-Klinik Eppendorf N.N. (beratend, kein Stimmrecht)